Onsite energy storage & generation
Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Services
Wattcraft provides CHP assessment and design services including:
Energy demand modelling and CHP system sizing
CHP and district heating feasibility and concept design
Generation technology review
District heating and cooling strategies
Fuel supply assessment
Greenhouse gas modelling and fuel sustainability assessment
Economic modelling
Commercial project delivery and energy services consultancy.
Wattcraft can help you review the technical, environmental and commercial potential for CHP at your site and arrive at a practical solution that will give you the required commercial return at an acceptable level of risk.
The viability of CHP depends on a number of critical factors, such as fuel and electricity prices, energy demand density and economic support mechanisms. Each project has a distinct set of characteristics and we can help you work out what works for your project. We recognise that the environmental benefits of CHP vary in accordance with the fossil fuel component of the electricity supply.
We also recognise that the maximum environmental benefits of CHP are attained through the use of biomass as a fuel. We encourage therefore the development of a concept that gives flexibility to adapt to different fuel supplies in the future, even if running off fossil fuel at the outset. With our understanding of the characteristics of other forms of generation (of both heat and electricity) we can model these other systems in combination with CHP to give optimum integrated solutions.
Solar Energy Services
Wattcraft provides solar energy engineering services including:
Site scoping
Resource assessment
Technology selection and output prediction
System concept desig
Planning and environmental impact assessment technical input
Economic modelling
Guidance on project delivery options.
Solar energy embraces a wide range of technologies from thermal to electric. Wattcraft can help with concept development and delivery of:
Solar thermal heating
Building integrated and stand-alone photovoltaic (PV) arrays
Concentrating solar power electricity generation.
Grid services through onsite energy storage and generation
If you have a high level of electrical consumption at your premises, you may be able to make significant cost savings through onsite energy storage and generation. The opportunities for this are as follows:
Capacity market – reduce or shift electricity consumption when electricity demand is higher than the generation that is available
Balancing services
Frequency response – adjust consumption in real time to help balance the grid (response time in seconds)
Firm frequency response
Enhanced frequency response
Peak avoidance – shifting electricity consumption away from times of peak demand to avoid high energy costs (DUoS and Triad charge avoidance)
Wattcraft can help you take advantage of these opportunities through:
Modelling your energy demand
Technical and economic modelling of cost saving measures matching your energy demand
Delivery of measures that meet technical and economic requirements, including development of approach towards procurement and operation.
Possible solutions might be:
Demand side management
Battery storage, potentially in conjunction with solar photovoltaics (PV)
Gas engine, potentially in combined heat and power configuration (CHP) providing both heat and electricity
Further assistance:
If you need expertise or help with energy planning or an energy audit, please contact us.
Contact Rupert about your energy project:
Email rupert.blackstone@wattcraft.com
or Phone +44 (0)1453 706500
Answers to common questions about renewable and sustainable energy solutions from Wattcraft
There are a number of reasons as to why it makes sense to be on a journey to Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions now, rather than to delay, but the particular journey does need to be consistent with the effective operation and survival of the business.
The first key reason is that becoming Net Zero for all scopes of emissions (direct and indirect) is complex and needs planning and coordination across all areas of the business. Successful businesses generally work to a plan over a number of years and due to the significant impact of Net Zero on a business, it also requires long term planning for it to be a success.
A related reason not to delay with Net Zero is that there are typically constraints relating to building or equipment life and budgetary expenditure that will need to be taken into account when implementing emissions improvement measures. For example, if there is a planned expansion or relocation of the business facility for reasons other than Net Zero, there may be a great opportunity to introduce a step change in emissions reduction measures, rather than incurring the likely greater costs of retrofit of such measures further down the line.
A further reason not to delay is that as the Government legislated deadline for Net Zero (2050 for the UK) approaches, the demand on professional services to support Net Zero is likely to be significantly greater and there will be less options available at an affordable price to meet requirements.
Finally, there are ways in which implementing Net Zero measures can save you money and the sooner you get on with them, the better for your business. This includes potential short term cost savings through reducing energy consumption and also establishing a position on Net Zero that is consistent with your customers’ requirements, thereby increasing the chance of securing contracts.
Often small companies do not feel they have the power to change larger organisations in the supply chain that they perceive are not significantly dependent on them. However, all parts of the supply chain will ultimately have to become Net Zero to meet legislative requirements and also for their businesses to be sustained into the future, given environmental pressures and increased scarcity of resources. Change can be brought about to a large extent through effective communication of the issues. It may be that the larger organisations are more receptive to taking steps towards Net Zero than might be apparent from the outside. By sharing ideas and objectives, there is the potential for increased cooperation and overall success for all. This communication might include conveying market advantage of operating in a way that takes environmental impact into account.
Ultimately Net Zero makes business sense. If you don’t direct resource into addressing it, you will likely lose far more in the future than the expenditure now, as you will not be operating sustainably. A hundred years ago, there were not the health and safety measures that are in place now. However, if you did not attend to health and safety nowadays, you would be out of business. The situation is not currently as extreme with Net Zero or other environmental measures, but this is the direction of travel, within the context of global climate impacts currently being at the worst end of the band of predictions. Of course you have to ensure business survival and particularly for small companies, it can be difficult to justify directing resource in the short term that could be directed towards survival in the short term. However, this underlines the importance of planning and projecting into the future. In order to work out what you need to do for Net Zero today, you need to have a vision of what you want the business to look like in the future and work backwards, building an understanding of measures that will be required to realise the vision, as with any business planning. Commercial considerations need to be taken into account with every step of the journey taken towards the vision and the aim should be to optimise the pathway to Net Zero for greatest business benefit, which should include cost savings along the way.
Get in touch.
Email rupert.blackstone@wattcraft.com
Phone +44 (0)1453 706500
Alternatively please complete our form.